When I was laying in the hospital two years ago my goal was concise: “don't die, get home.” It was a good goal. Not easy to achieve, but not impossible either.


Twenty-one years ago I spent three weeks trying to decide on a domain name for my first website. I considered so many choices, the vast majority of which were unavailable.


Then like a burst pipe the reality of my memories came flooding uncontrolled and spewing chaotically about my skull. Your face changed in the video.


Pissing contests and shoving matches par for the course, I needed a detour through the construction zone of puberty.


I decide that I’m going to do a seven day fast. Just water and tea and vitamins for 7 days.


I have no memories of feeling the right size. Or fitting in. I've always been too big for this, or too big for that.


The absolutely, 100% true story of returning an unused rocking chair to a Cracker Barrel in Tennessee


Listen to Black people, Hear Black people, Love Black people, Stand with and for Black Lives, because they Matter.


How many more people of color have to teach their children to fear the police before you wake up and say enough!


So many years slip by as we grow and move away from those four years that were so important. It's hard to stay in touch, to stay close. The world pulls us apart.


It’s bullshit. The words mean nothing, just words. Words we say when something bad happens. Words we forget days after until the next time something bad happens.


Some days I feel exposed. Stripped of skin, like one of those medical teaching dummies, insides revealed and you can see right through me to the heart of the matter.


I saw a picture of us today. Your sister posted it on Facebook.


I've been having a hard time with that concept. I woke up at some point in January, filled with despair.


The funny thing about this cute, little, innocuous guy is that if I let him go, he'll careen out of control, and change.


The Reno Gazette gave him a single sentence. One sentence. Fifty-seven years distilled into a single series of small facts.


I kept your secret. I kept it from my mom, my dad, my lovers, my wife. everyone.


I've been working in the web development industry for five years now. For five years I've been able to sustain a specific lifestyle, working solo. Working in an industry I both love and admire.


Alright, so here in Portland, it is not common place to see snow, or even sub-zero conditions, thus the purity of my naive surprise when this morning my wife and sons and I left the house for our daily one and a half mile walk, only to discover a half an inch layer of solid ice covering the entire parking lot