Wake Up

Content Warning; This piece contains vulgar language.

How many more people of color have to die gasping for air in the street before you wake up and realize the system is fucked?

How many more people of color have to teach their children to fear the police before you wake up and say enough!

People of color are not second class citizens. They are entitled to all the imaginary civil and human rights white people have gifted themselves because of some random happenstance we’re lucky enough to have found ourselves in.

Being white is not special. It’s random. It’s luck of the draw.

When you are white your behavior is dealt with individually, and you are punished according to your crimes.

When you are not white your behavior is assigned to you at birth, and you are much more likely to be punished according to your skin tone.

We live in a widely racist society, and as lucky ass white people we have an absolute civic and human duty to put a stop to the fucking ridiculous bullshit our ancestors started.

Ignoring racist behavior is racist behavior.

Making excuses for racist behavior is racist behavior.