I saw a picture of us today. Your sister posted it on Facebook.
I don’t remember posing for it, but I sure look proud to be with you. You look awake in the picture. Young, very young. I remember you being that young, but I don’t remember the picture.
I miss you a lot.
I think about how towards the end, I could have come and seen you, but I didn’t, cause I was busy with life. And I’m sorry about that. I regret it.
I miss you a lot.
I miss talking to you, I miss confiding in you. I miss looking up at you.
I miss you a lot.
Pop, I know you tried. I know you loved me. I know you had internal struggles and things that kept you away and distant at times. I know that’s not what you wanted. I know how much it hurt to not be the man and father you wished you could be.
I miss you a lot old man.