Welcome to

Artistic Outlaw

Where I experiment, create, and practice my life’s journey as an:

  1. Light lavender background with a coat of arms logo mark for the Outlaw Standard in black and white. Half a shield on the left, and half a skull on the right. banners above and below the skulls with the text Outlaw on the top banner, and Standard on the bottom banner. On the shield there are 7 segments with representational iconography. In the top half is a crossed paint brush and hobby knife. In the bottom half there are 6 segments. Top left: 3D6 with the numbers 1 4 and 3 going left to right; Top right: An I Love You hand sign in the style of the Imperial Fists; Middle left: is a checked pattern; Middle right: is a hazard stripe pattern; Bottom left: is a diamond with the number 74; Bottom right: is a split heart with the halves offset vertically.
  2. A white and purple split background with two chairs. Over the white is a normal wooden kitchen table chair. Standard, nothing special. Over the purple is an imaginary chair that looks like a hand, with three goat-like legs, and 2 human-like legs. The thumb and a mechanical arm are the
  3. Off-white background with a lavender circle behind a cartoon Red Panda with a cutie pattootie smile and handing a acorn to an off-screen friend.
  4. bright yellow background with a paintbrush like stroke of orange, the word Acorn with a literal acorn as the O.

Process is a performance that results in artifacts, and outcomes. The actual process matters little. The steps are mostly irrelevant.


When I was laying in the hospital two years ago my goal was concise: “don't die, get home.” It was a good goal. Not easy to achieve, but not impossible either.


So far so good, I still haven’t been tarnished with the 4th sight, so perhaps my days will be more or less unblemished by the woes and wails of the souls trapped betwixt this and their dimensions.


Twenty-one years ago I spent three weeks trying to decide on a domain name for my first website. I considered so many choices, the vast majority of which were unavailable.

I’m a complex dude. The Outlaw section will hopefully lift the veil on the mysterious and rarely consistent me.

I have a lot of interests, the Sundry section collects and catalogs all the things I love doing, watching, reading, and playing.

My partner Lucy and me discuss whatever is on our minds, dip into reviews and opinions, tough subjects, and generally work on ourselves.