Expressive Design Systems

Yesenia Perez-Cruz
A Book Apart
Monday, March 13, 2023
Wednesday, March 15, 2023
Time Spent

Overall I appreciated most of this book. There were some sections I felt were outdated advice, or just approaches I disagreed with, but I expected that would be the case going in, having worked on Design Systems for 11 years, I have a lot of opinions and experience.

I think this book would be excellent if I was just starting out in Design Systems and hadn't already formed a lot of opinions on implementation and approaches.

That said I found a lot of great ideas in these pages that I plan to bring back to my team and hopefully we can implement in some form or fashion.


on page 102

A good design system helps you improvise.

on page 116

If you enable creativity at the boundaries, your system will grow and stay expressive.